Monday, March 21, 2016

Layout Takes Shape


It’s been a while since I last posted – even longer since I posted about my own work!
I decided late last year to modify my plans for an exhibition layout and go for a permanent, shelf alternative. To that end, I have constructed the frame, surrounding box, and back board. I managed to install four LED strips and get some undercoat on the backboard over the weekend.

We’re getting there.



renegourley said...

Looks great, Julian!

Julian Watson said...

Hi Rene',

Thanks for that - the 'sky blue' paint has been applied now. Looking nicer...


Phillip Overton said...

That's one impressive sized bookshelf layout Julian. I take it the metal frame holders on the wall still make this layout removable? Or will your layout be permanent in the true sense of the word? Either way, be sure to keep us all posted with updates of your progress.